The politics surrounding race in rap have long been a dominant negative aspect. This genre is predominantly black, with African Americans taking the lead, leaving white rappers, including biracial ones, to constantly justify their presence. However, the increasing global popularity of rap has created opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to excel, reducing the significance of the race factor.

So who are rapper Logic parents, and what’s all about them?

Logic has faced a subtle yet crucial battle regarding his identity in the rap industry. He is a highly successful rapper renowned for his outstanding performances and stage presence. Unfortunately, he consistently needs to assert his biracial heritage and clarify that he is not solely white. So, who are Logic’s parents?

Similar individuals with comparable backgrounds and ethnicities have faced scrutiny since Eminem emerged in the rap industry, captivating fans with his impressive rap skills. Logic, who grew up in poverty in suburban Maryland, shares a similar background, except for being biracial. Nonetheless, his biracial status has not prevented others from questioning his ethnicity. 

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the lives of Rapper Logic’s parents, uncovering their stories and their influences on his journey. Discover everything you need to know about the roots of this talented artist.

Logic’s Profile Summary 

  • Website: 
  • Name: Sir Robert Bryson Hall II 
  • Date of birth: January 22, 1990. Place of birth: Gaithersburg, Maryland, the United States of America 
  • Other names: Psychological, Bobby Tarantino, Young Sinatra
  • Occupation: Rapper, author, songwriter, streamer, record producer
  • Genre: Hip hop
  • Spouses: Jessica Andrea (married in 2015 and divorced in 2018) and Britney Noell (Married in 2019). Children: 1 Label: Visionary, Def Jam 
  • Years active: 2010 – present 

Where is Logic From? 

The famous American singer, songwriter, and music producer Sir Robert Bryson Hall II was born on January 22, 1990, in Gaithersburg, Maryland. His mother added the title “Sir” to his name, which is not a formal but a personal addition.

Logic’s family resided in the West Deer Park neighborhood, where most of the community’s inhabitants experience poverty, living below the poverty line.

Rapper Logic Parents: Who are Logic’s Parents? 

Logic has always openly discussed his troubled upbringing. His mother would hurl racial slurs at her biracial children while his father battled drug addiction. Today, a successful musician, Logic enjoys a comfortable life far removed from his challenging past. However, many still mistakenly believe he grew up in a privileged household.

In an interview with, he expressed frustration: “People perceive me as some suburban kid, born with a silver spoon, whose parents paid for everything. But that’s far from the truth. There were guns in our home; my brothers sold crack. We lived in Section 8 housing, relied on food stamps welfare, and dealt with social services. I never experienced a Christmas or a birthday celebration.”

So, who are the parents that Logic refers to when sharing his troubled upbringing? Additionally, considering his biracial heritage, what is the nationality of Logic’s parents?

Logic’s Dad 

Logic’s parents are of mixed racial heritage: Caucasian mom and African American dad. Due to his dedication to other pursuits, Logic’s father was never active in his son’s life when he was a child, ultimately leading to their separation. Mr. Robert Bryson Hall is his father’s name.

Logic’s father was a cocaine addict who bought and sold drugs from his children. They could get back together because of Logic’s outstanding rapping skills.

Despite reconciling, Logic’s connection with his father is fraught. They have tense interactions when they do manage to communicate. In the song “Under Pressure,” He raps as his father, Robert Hall, who says he’s been clean from drugs for two years and asks that his son not rap about it.

At the song’s close, Logic’s dad leaves a voicemail telling his son how much he cares. Logic’s dad has been very forthright about his difficulties with drug abuse and the addiction that runs in the family. The author concedes that his kid Logic saw many things he shouldn’t have while growing up in Gaithersburg.

Logic’s Mother 

Where did Logic’s mom go? Logic’s mother, in especially, has been the subject of extensive negative publicity. Despite his apparent whiteness, Logic is mixed, thanks to his white mother and black father.

Logic’s mother struggled to keep it together while he was growing up. The rapper admits she was a good woman despite his disparaging comments about her because of his troubled upbringing.

“I had a wonderful mother. She endured great difficulty, including drug use, prostitution, and other difficulties. Constant screaming, horrible arguments, and physical violence made life in that home intolerable. There were occasions when blood splattered across the kitchen and floor.”

Logic has also admitted that he struggled to understand his mother’s racial remarks. He couldn’t fathom why, given her choice to be with a black man, she would humiliate him in front of their biracial children.

Logic looks up to his grandmother, Mary Jo, as if she were his mother because of how she raised him. While he does not discount his biological mother, he gives much credit to his grandmother for shaping his upbringing and outlook.

Logic’s mother is the one he says first exposed him to music. She opened him up to a broader range of music, including that of the Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra, classic hip-hop acts, and Nirvana. He grew to appreciate Sinatra’s aesthetic while they watched classic white and black films together.

Logic’s parents didn’t provide the best upbringing for him, leaving him vulnerable to harmful influences from the outside world. He overcame obstacles, though, and is today a globally recognized rapper and a major player in the entertainment sector.