Tyler Henry is a renowned clairvoyant medium, captivating millions of viewers with his extraordinary ability to communicate with departed spirits. He is prominently featured in the Netflix series “Life After Death with Tyler Henry” and the E! show “Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry.” However, amidst his remarkable career, one may wonder about the individual behind the medium. Who, indeed, is Tyler Henry’s father?

David Koelewyn: A Supportive and Loving Father

Tyler Henry Koelewyn entered the world on January 13, 1996, in California, born to Theresa and David G. Koelewyn. Remarkably, his parents, Theresa and David, have shared a lifelong journey since tying the knot at the age of 15. Tyler is their cherished only child, bearing the name of his grandfather, Henry Koelewyn, who immigrated from the Netherlands.

David Koelewyn, Tyler’s father, is a dedicated tile contractor, serving the community of Hanford, California, and its environs. Known for his strong work ethic and unwavering integrity, David values authenticity and resilience in all aspects of life. As a husband and father, he embodies devotion and compassion, offering unwavering support to Tyler’s burgeoning mediumship abilities.

Tyler has openly expressed his gratitude and admiration for his father through various social media platforms. On Father’s Day 2017, he shared a heartfelt tribute alongside a photo of them together, acknowledging his father’s pivotal role in fostering his confidence to share his unique gift. Two years later, Tyler reiterated his appreciation for his father’s unwavering love and acceptance, celebrating the enduring bond they share into adulthood. Through his heartfelt messages, Tyler highlights the profound impact his father has had on shaping his journey and fostering a deep sense of love and acceptance within their relationship.

A Father-Son Bond That Transcends the Physical Realm

Tyler and David share a profound and intimate connection that transcends the physical realm. At just 10 years old, Tyler confided in his father about a premonition regarding his grandmother’s passing, a revelation that marked the beginning of Tyler’s journey into the world of psychic abilities. Encouraged by his father’s support and validation, Tyler began to embrace his unique gift.

David, Tyler’s father, possesses his own connection to the spirit world and has encountered paranormal phenomena firsthand. Tyler recalls an incident from his childhood where David encountered a ghost in their home, a woman who had tragically perished in a nearby car accident. Moved by compassion, David prayed for the soul of the departed and, thereafter, the apparition ceased to manifest.

Witnessing Tyler’s remarkable readings firsthand, David marvels at his son’s accuracy and empathy, witnessing the solace and closure Tyler brings to countless individuals, including notable figures like Kim Kardashian, Rebel Wilson, and Matt Lauer. Moreover, Tyler has uncovered family secrets and historical mysteries, such as his mother’s biological father and his grandfather’s wartime experiences, further deepening David’s admiration for his son’s abilities.

Beyond pride in Tyler’s accomplishments, David’s love for his son transcends career success and achievements. He wholeheartedly accepts Tyler’s sexuality and career path, fostering an environment where Tyler feels empowered to pursue his dreams. Instilling values of humility, kindness, and respect, David serves as not only a parent but also a trusted friend, mentor, and source of inspiration in Tyler’s life.

In essence, David Koelewyn is more than just a father—he is the steadfast support and guiding presence behind the Hollywood medium, Tyler Henry.