
For enthusiasts of crossword puzzles, encountering the clue “Home for a hog” in the New York Times Mini Crossword is not uncommon. This particular clue has surfaced multiple times in previous puzzles, including its most recent appearance on April 27, 2023. The answer to this clue comprises a concise three-letter word, a solution that may strike some solvers as straightforward while posing a challenge to others. In the following discourse, we will delve into the method for deciphering this clue and elucidate why the solution aligns logically.

What is a Home for a Hog?

The solution to the clue “Home for a hog” is “STY.” A sty refers to a pen or enclosure where pigs are housed or confined. Its origin traces back to the Old English word “stig,” denoting a “hall,” “house,” or “place.” Additionally, the term “sty” can carry a figurative connotation, describing a location that is untidy or unkempt.

Why is STY the Answer?

You may question why “STY” is the fitting response to the clue “Home for a hog” when alternative words like “PEN,” “DEN,” or “PAD” could also seem applicable. However, these alternatives lack the specificity required to denote a hog’s dwelling. While a pen can accommodate various animals, a den may signify the lair of a wild creature or a cozy room within a home. Similarly, “pad” holds multiple meanings, ranging from a cushion to a residence. In contrast, “STY” precisely designates a pig’s abode.

Moreover, “STY” emerges as the answer due to its frequent appearance in crossword puzzles. Constructers often incorporate short, versatile words like “STY,” “ERA,” “ORE,” and “EEL,” known as crosswordese, to bolster grid completion and heighten puzzle complexity. Familiarity with crosswordese facilitates the solving of clues such as “Home for a hog.”


Among the array of clues featured in the New York Times Mini Crossword, “Home for a hog” stands out as a notable example. The solution, “STY,” denotes a particular enclosure designated for pigs. Additionally, “STY” holds prominence as a frequent inclusion in crossword puzzles, rendering it a favored choice for constructors seeking concise, versatile terms. Elevating your crossword proficiency entails familiarizing yourself with concepts like “crosswordese” and other strategies tailored to decode clues effectively. Happy puzzling!