Dustin Rhodes, a seasoned professional wrestler with a career spanning over three decades, is presently affiliated with All Elite Wrestling (AEW), performing under his real name. Renowned for his extensive and prosperous stint with WWE, where he embodied the controversial and charismatic persona of Goldust, Dustin’s professional life has often been in the spotlight.

However, in this article, we will delve into his personal life, exploring details about his marriage, including his current spouse, Ta-rel Marie Runnels, the number of times he has been married, and the challenges he has encountered in his relationships.

Dustin Rhodes’ First Marriage: Terri Runnels

Dustin Rhodes entered matrimony with his first wife, Terri Runnels, in 1993. Terri, a fellow professional wrestler and manager, operated in WWE under the ring name Marlena. Their on-screen collaboration, with Terri serving as the valet of Goldust, showcased a unique and provocative chemistry.

In 1994, the couple welcomed a daughter named Dakota, as documented by Wikipedia. However, despite the joy of parenthood, their marriage was marred by numerous challenges. These included Dustin’s struggles with drug addiction, Terri’s involvement in a romantic liaison with another wrestler, and their clashing personalities. The strains proved insurmountable, leading to their divorce in 1999, marking the end of a six-year union.

Dustin Rhodes’ Second Marriage: Milena Martelloni

Dustin Rhodes entered his second marriage with Milena Martelloni in 2002. Milena, a makeup artist, crossed paths with Dustin during her tenure with WWE. However, their union proved to be brief and tumultuous, culminating in divorce in 2003. According to GH Gossip, Dustin alleged that Milena exhibited abusive and violent behavior towards him. Additionally, he asserted that she made attempts to sabotage his career and tarnish his reputation.

Dustin Rhodes’ Third and Current Marriage: Ta-rel Marie Runnels

Dustin Rhodes entered into his third and present marriage with Ta-rel Marie Runnels in 2012. Ta-rel, a professional wrestler and trainer known by the ring name Teal Piper, is the daughter of the late WWE Hall of Famer, Roddy Piper.

As reported by Sportskeeda, Dustin and Ta-rel share a robust and supportive relationship. Their mutual love for wrestling has led them to collaborate in various matches and segments. Displaying mutual respect and admiration, the couple frequently shares affectionate messages and images on their respective social media accounts.


Dustin Rhodes, a legendary figure in the wrestling industry, has captivated millions of fans with his talent and charisma. His romantic journey has been intricate and demanding, marked by three marriages. Presently, Ta-rel Marie Runnels stands as his life and ring partner. Their joyous and dedicated relationship makes them one of the most inspirational couples in AEW.