Bo Jackson stands as one of the most renowned and multi-talented athletes in history. He achieved the rare distinction of being named an All-Star in two major North American sports: baseball and football. Jackson’s accolades include winning the Heisman Trophy in 1985 while playing as a running back for Auburn University. Throughout his career, he played in the NFL for the Los Angeles Raiders and in the MLB for the Kansas City Royals, Chicago White Sox, and California Angels. Additionally, he became the face of Nike’s iconic “Bo Knows” advertising campaign, showcasing his unparalleled versatility and charisma.

However, alongside Bo Jackson’s remarkable journey is his wife, Linda Jackson, a woman of equal significance. Linda, a highly educated and accomplished rehabilitation counselor, has stood by Bo’s side for over three decades. Throughout their marriage, she has been a steadfast support through his triumphs and trials, while also raising their three children together. Linda embodies strength and independence, refusing to be solely defined by her husband’s fame. In this article, we delve deeper into Linda Jackson’s life, offering insight into the woman who knows Bo like no other.

How Bo and Linda Met

Bo and Linda crossed paths during their time as students at Auburn University in Alabama. Linda, originally Linda Garrett, hailed from a contrasting background to Bo’s. While she immersed herself in academic pursuits and cultivated her musical talent playing the violin, Bo garnered attention for his rebellious streak, often finding himself in scuffles and skipping classes. Linda held a bachelor’s degree in biology and health sciences from Tuskegee University and was pursuing a master’s degree in counseling psychology at Auburn.

Despite Bo’s status as a football star, he had little interest in dating, prioritizing his academic and athletic endeavors to steer clear of distractions. Despite his fame, he maintained a reputation for shyness and humility. Bo admitted that he had never asked a girl out until meeting Linda.

Their paths intertwined when Linda took on a tutoring role within Auburn’s athletic department, catching Bo’s attention with her intellect and charm. Although Linda was unaware of Bo’s athletic achievements initially, she agreed to a date. The couple’s connection blossomed, leading to a deepening relationship. In 1987, following Bo’s graduation from Auburn, they exchanged vows, solidifying their bond.

How Linda Supported Bo Through His Career

Linda consistently stood by Bo’s side throughout his illustrious dual-sport career, despite the challenges it posed, including frequent moves and a demanding schedule. Recognizing Bo’s unwavering passion for both baseball and football, she supported his decision to pursue both sports simultaneously, valuing his dedication to his dreams.

In 1986, Bo faced a pivotal moment when he was drafted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as the top overall pick in the NFL draft. However, he opted not to sign with them, citing concerns over the handling of his baseball eligibility at Auburn. Instead, he inked a $1 million deal with the Kansas City Royals. The following year, he embarked on a dual-career journey, joining the Los Angeles Raiders part-time while continuing to play baseball for the Royals. Bo quickly made waves, showcasing his exceptional speed, strength, and athleticism, making history as the first athlete to feature in both the MLB All-Star Game and the NFL Pro Bowl.

However, adversity struck in 1991 when Bo suffered a severe hip injury during a playoff game, abruptly ending his football career and placing his baseball future in jeopardy. Undeterred, with Linda’s unwavering support, he underwent a grueling hip replacement surgery and embarked on a determined path to recovery. His resilience bore fruit in 1993 when he made a remarkable return to the baseball diamond, signing with the Chicago White Sox as a designated hitter. His triumphant comeback was marked by a home run in his inaugural at-bat, earning him a heartfelt ovation from fans. Bo subsequently played for the California Angels in 1994 before bidding farewell to baseball, closing a chapter on his extraordinary athletic journey.

How Linda Raised Their Three Children

Linda and Bo are proud parents to three children: two sons named Garrett and Nicholas, and a daughter named Morgan. While Bo dedicated himself to his sports career, Linda took on the primary responsibility of raising their children, ensuring they experienced a normal and stable upbringing despite their father’s celebrity status.

Emphasizing the importance of education and diligence, Linda instilled in her children values of self-reliance and personal fulfillment. She encouraged them to pursue their own passions and aspirations independently, rather than feeling compelled to follow in their father’s footsteps. Linda expressed to ESPN her desire for her children to be recognized for their individual accomplishments, rather than solely as “Bo’s kids.”

Linda’s nurturing guidance yielded positive results, as their children flourished into accomplished and well-rounded adults. Garrett earned a finance degree from Auburn University and currently works as a financial analyst. Nicholas pursued mechanical engineering at the University of Alabama and now enjoys a career as an engineer. Meanwhile, Morgan graduated with a psychology degree from Auburn University and serves as a counselor, embodying the values instilled by her mother.

How Linda Pursued Her Own Career and Interests

Linda maintained her own career and interests independently of her husband’s fame. She remained dedicated to her profession as a rehabilitation counselor, aiding individuals with disabilities and mental health concerns. Linda’s commitment to her field led her to earn a doctorate in counseling psychology from Auburn University, where she authored a dissertation examining the correlation between substance abuse and sexual abuse among women, as reported by FanBuzz.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Linda held significant roles in various professional settings. She served as a supervisor for the residential children’s program at the Mobile County Community Mental Health Center, as noted by the Tulsa World. Subsequently, she assumed the position of counseling psychologist at a hospital, where many colleagues remained unaware of her marital ties to Bo Jackson, according to ESPN.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Linda cultivated personal hobbies and passions, including playing the violin, gardening, and cooking. She expressed her inclination towards creativity and self-expression, rejecting the moniker “Miz Bo.” Linda admitted to struggling with the transition to the Jackson surname and adamantly opposed being addressed as “Miz Bo.”

How Linda and Bo Are Still Together After More Than 30 Years

Linda and Bo’s enduring marriage of over 30 years is a rarity in the realm of celebrity relationships. Despite encountering numerous trials and transitions throughout their journey, they have remained steadfastly loyal and devoted to each other. Their enduring bond is marked by an unwavering love and mutual respect, even amidst their divergent personalities.

In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Linda reflected on the dynamic interplay of their contrasting personalities, noting that Bo’s outgoing and adventurous nature complements her more reserved and cautious demeanor. She emphasized how they balance each other, with Bo encouraging her to embrace spontaneity and enjoyment, while she anchors him with a sense of grounding and focus.

Over the years, Linda and Bo have cultivated effective communication and a willingness to compromise, fostering understanding and empathy for each other’s perspectives and needs. They extend unwavering support for one another’s aspirations and ambitions, fostering an environment of mutual respect and autonomy.

At the heart of their enduring union lies a deep and abiding friendship. Linda underscores their bond as best friends who relish each other’s company and share common interests. Whether at home or on vacation, they cherish moments spent together, indulging in shared pastimes like watching movies, playing games, or enjoying outdoor pursuits like fishing.

Their connection remains vibrant and dynamic, both emotionally and physically. Linda attests to the enduring allure of Bo’s humor and charm, as well as his continued ability to surprise her with romantic gestures. Despite the passage of time, their relationship continues to be characterized by a palpable chemistry and a profound, enduring passion.


Linda Jackson, Bo Jackson’s wife, transcends the role of mere consort to the legend; she stands as a remarkable figure in her own right. A woman of intellect, achievement, and autonomy, she has forged her own path in career and passions. Yet, alongside her individual pursuits, she embodies the essence of a devoted, supportive, and unwavering partner to Bo for over three decades. Linda holds a unique understanding of Bo, serving as his confidante, companion, and source of happiness.

Bo himself has articulated the depth of their connection, declaring Linda as his soulmate, the cornerstone upon which his success and fulfillment rest. She embodies the quintessential roles of best friend, confidant, and cherished companion, enriching his life in multifaceted ways. Their bond transcends mere affection; it is a profound partnership imbued with mutual respect, trust, and love that defies verbal expression.

In every sense, Bo Jackson’s wife exemplifies an extraordinary woman deserving of admiration and acclaim. Her journey serves as an inspiration for those aspiring to lead enriching lives and cultivate enduring partnerships marked by mutual support and devotion.