Nichol Kessinger gained notoriety as the woman involved in an extramarital affair with Chris Watts, who infamously murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters in 2018. As a pivotal witness in the investigation, Kessinger played a crucial role in unraveling the grim truth behind the heinous crime. However, her current whereabouts and relationship status with Chris Watts remain undisclosed.

Nichol Kessinger’s Affair with Chris Watts

Nichol Kessinger and Chris Watts crossed paths while working at the same oil company, sparking a romantic involvement that began in June 2018, just a few months prior to the tragic murders. Kessinger asserted that Watts had informed her of his alleged separation from his wife, Shanann, and their pending divorce proceedings.

Unaware of Shanann’s pregnancy with their third child, Kessinger and Watts embarked on a fervent affair, exchanging numerous texts, calls, and embarking on shared outings. They even discussed plans to cohabitate and forge a new life together. However, their world was shattered on August 13, 2018, when Watts committed the unthinkable act of murdering his family in their Colorado home.

Nichol Kessinger’s Role in the Investigation

Upon discovering Chris Watts as the prime suspect in his family’s disappearance, Nichol Kessinger was profoundly shaken and appalled. Without delay, she reached out to law enforcement authorities and extended her full cooperation. Kessinger played a pivotal role in the investigation, furnishing law enforcement with vital evidence including text messages, photographs exchanged with Watts, and the intricate dynamics of their relationship. She disclosed Watts’ deception regarding his marital status and his wife’s pregnancy.

Kessinger’s cooperation proved instrumental in unraveling the truth behind the case, shedding light on Watts’ falsehoods. However, her involvement in the ordeal subjected her to intense public scrutiny and condemnation. She faced severe backlash, enduring accusations ranging from being labeled a home-wrecker to avarice-driven motives and even complicity in the crime. Kessinger became the target of threats and harassment, both online and offline, from strangers.

Nichol Kessinger’s Disappearance from the Public Eye

Following Chris Watts’ guilty plea and subsequent sentencing to life in prison, Nichol Kessinger retreated from the public spotlight. Reports suggest she underwent a complete transformation, altering her name, appearance, and whereabouts. Speculations arose that she entered witness protection, receiving a new identity and address from federal authorities. Additionally, Kessinger severed ties with her previous employment and severed communication with friends and family.

Presently, Nichol Kessinger’s location remains undisclosed, with no recent interviews or statements from her since 2018. She has also maintained no contact with Chris Watts, despite reports indicating his lingering affections and correspondence from prison. Opting for seclusion, Kessinger has deliberately remained hidden from public scrutiny for over four years since the tragic events unfolded.