Kelsee Ryan Colby, a real estate broker hailing from Arizona, emerges as a central figure in the Netflix documentary series “Sins of Our Mother.” This gripping series delves into the notorious case surrounding Lori Vallow Daybell, who stands accused of the tragic deaths of her two children, Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, as well as her self-proclaimed prophet spouse, Chad Daybell. Notably, Kelsee is the former spouse of Colby Ryan, Lori’s sole surviving child, standing steadfastly by his side as he seeks justice and uncovers the truth.

How Kelsee Met Colby

Kelsee and Colby’s initial encounter traces back to their middle school days, where Colby happened to be a friend of her brother’s. Their acquaintance deepened during junior high, although it wasn’t until Colby’s college years that he mustered the courage to ask her out. Their romantic journey commenced in 2018, culminating in marriage in December of the same year, amidst the serene backdrop of Colby’s grandparents’ backyard.

How Kelsee Felt About Lori

Kelsee’s relationship with Lori was strained from the onset, marked by disapproval stemming from religious disparities. While Kelsee was raised in the Catholic faith, Lori’s devout allegiance lay with the LDS Church. In the documentary, Kelsee candidly shares how Lori incessantly sought to exert control and manipulation over Colby, while simultaneously vying for his affection and attention. As recounted by Kelsee, Lori’s behavior took a concerning turn towards the bizarre and erratic following her marriage to Chad, who purported himself as a visionary leader within a doomsday cult.

How Kelsee Helped Colby

Following the suspicious death of Lori’s fourth husband, Charles Vallow, in July 2019, Kelsee and Colby made the decision to distance themselves from Lori and her family. However, their concern escalated upon discovering the disappearance of Lori’s two younger children, Tylee and JJ, in September 2019. In an effort to aid Colby in his quest to locate his siblings, Kelsee meticulously combed through various digital records, including texts, emails, and social media posts related to the family. Additionally, she provided unwavering emotional and mental support to Colby as he grappled with the shocking revelations surrounding his mother’s alleged involvement in the tragic demise of his siblings, whose remains were unearthed in Chad’s backyard in June 2020.

How Kelsee Moved On

In January 2022, Kelsee and Colby welcomed their second daughter, Ava, into the world. However, their marital bliss was short-lived. Reports emerged in August 2022, alleging that Kelsee accused Colby of sexual abuse, leading to his subsequent charge. Nevertheless, these charges were later dropped. Despite this tumultuous period, Kelsee and Colby ultimately divorced during the summer of 2022, each choosing to move forward independently. Presently, Kelsee continues her career as a real estate broker while actively participating in documentaries and television programs, sharing her experiences and shedding light on the case. She remains steadfast in preserving the memories of Tylee and JJ within her home, ardently advocating for justice on their behalf.