Tracy Brown Bering, a former inmate who once shared a cell with Jodi Arias, the infamous perpetrator of Travis Alexander’s murder, tragically succumbed to depression and took her own life in December 2022. Her passing left her wife, Donovan Bering, also a former cellmate of Jodi, grappling with the loss. This article delves into the poignant narrative of Tracy Brown Bering, shedding light on her entanglement with Jodi Arias and the harrowing ordeal of manipulation and deceit she endured.

How Tracy Met Jodi

Tracy Brown found herself in custody on kidnapping charges when she crossed paths with Jodi Arias at Estrella Jail in Phoenix, Arizona. Over the course of nearly five months, they shared the confines of a small cell, fostering a bond that evolved into friendship. During this time, Tracy permitted Jodi to tattoo her body on six occasions, one of which bears Jodi’s signature. However, Tracy later came to regret this decision after Jodi confided in her about contemplating suicide. Tracy recounted:

“Every night in our shared incarceration, she would serenade me with her angelic voice. I believed that if I allowed her to tattoo me, it might uplift her spirits and dissuade her from the dark thoughts of ending her life.”

As reported by OkayBliss Extra.

How Tracy Fell in Love with Donovan

Donovan Bering crossed paths with Jodi Arias during her incarceration for accessory to arson at Maricopa County Jail, where they shared a cell for a duration of six months. Their connection deepened, leading to continued communication even after their separation. Eventually, both Donovan and Jodi were relocated to Estrella, where Tracy Brown encountered Donovan for the first time, sparking a romantic involvement between them.

Acknowledging their experiences, both Donovan and Tracy admitted that Jodi leveraged her physical attractiveness and allure to manipulate situations to her advantage, often inserting herself into their relationship dynamics. While they never engaged in physical intimacy with Jodi, she did once perform a striptease alongside Tracy for Donovan and frequently encroached upon their privacy by refusing to vacate their cell when they sought solitude. From managing their social media accounts to officiating their wedding ceremony, Jodi played a significant role in their lives. As reported by The Cinemaholic.

How Tracy Realized Jodi’s True Nature

It wasn’t until Donovan Bering reached out to Jodi Arias’ mother that she began to grasp the true essence of her friend’s character, prompting a retrospective examination of Jodi’s actions and revealing the extent of her manipulative tendencies. As revealed in Lifetime’s Cellmate Secrets special, Jodi possessed an adept ability to sway others to her will, leveraging her charisma and exploiting their vulnerabilities. Tracy and Donovan attested to Jodi’s lack of remorse and branded her a sociopath, emphasizing her calculated manipulation of those around her. They speculated that had Jodi’s then-lover been at home that fateful night, Travis Alexander might still be alive, as he was Jodi’s intended victim. Reported by The Cinemaholic.

How Tracy Died of Depression and Suicidec

Tracy Brown battled clinical depression, compounded by her spouse’s illness and the onslaught of hostility from Jodi Arias’ supporters. Meanwhile, Donovan Bering grappled with cancer, enduring multiple surgeries in her fight against the disease.

Tracy’s mother, Yolanda Ducharme, broke the news of Tracy’s passing on December 3, 2022, via Facebook, expressing heartache over her daughter’s loss and the inability to alleviate her depression. Tracy’s sister, Crystal Rider, alleged that Tracy succumbed to an overdose following a dispute with Donovan.

Rider further asserted that Donovan was aware of Tracy’s suicidal intentions, yet failed to intervene, instead threatening familial repercussions for involving authorities. Despite outward appearances of a loving relationship, Tracy publicly commended Donovan’s supportiveness amid her own health struggles, professing gratitude and affection on social media.

Tracy Brown Bering’s narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the perils of depression and suicide, emphasizing the crucial need for empathy and assistance for those grappling with mental health challenges. May she find peace.