Josie Hart recently married Blair Underwood, a renowned American actor, marking the culmination of a friendship spanning over four decades. Their romantic journey commenced in 2022, blossoming into engagement in November of the same year and culminating in a picturesque destination wedding in the Dominican Republic in June 2023.

Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, Josie Hart, born in 1957, embodies a mixed heritage of Irish and Native American descent. Despite not being of Black ethnicity, she boasts striking features, with raven-black hair, deep black eyes, and a height of 5 feet 7 inches.

In addition to her celebrated union with Blair Underwood, Josie Hart has carved her own path in the entertainment industry, notably starring in the acclaimed British zombie film “Colin,” which graced the screens at Cannes in 2009. Furthermore, she is the visionary behind Baby Seal and Little Hearts, a company dedicated to offering essential support and care to newborns and their families.

Despite an age gap of eight years—Blair being 58 and Josie 66—their bond is characterized by profound affection and mutual respect. Together, they are parents to four children, blending their respective families from previous marriages. Prior to Josie, Blair’s union with Desiree DaCosta spanned 27 years before their 2021 divorce.

Renowned for their magnetic chemistry and unwavering commitment to family and philanthropy, Josie Hart and Blair Underwood are admired by friends and admirers alike. Their shared dedication to various charitable endeavors, spanning education, health, and human rights, underscores their shared values and altruistic spirit.

Quoted by, Blair Underwood eloquently lauds Josie Hart as “the most amazing, brilliant, beautiful, hilarious, thought-provoking & insightful person” he knows, forecasting a future filled with boundless possibilities alongside her.