On November 10, 2023, Abby Hensel, renowned as one of the world’s most famous conjoined twins, passed away at the age of 33. Abby, joined at the torso with her surviving twin sister, Brittany Hensel, succumbed to a heart attack during her sleep.

Brittany discovered her sister unresponsive upon waking and immediately sought assistance. Unfortunately, despite her efforts, help arrived too late to save Abby.

The Life of Abby and Brittany Hensel

Born on March 7, 1990, in Minnesota, Abby and Brittany Hensel were the daughters of Patty and Mike Hensel. As dicephalic parapagus twins, they shared one body with two heads. Their unique anatomy involved a shared heart, liver, and a portion of the digestive system.

However, they possessed distinct spines, lungs, and limbs. Coordinating their movements, they managed to control one arm and one leg each, engaging in activities like walking, running, swimming, and more.

The twins, defying medical odds, underwent surgeries to address scoliosis and enhance their chest cavity. An additional arm located between their heads was removed during infancy. Their notable journey began with an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996 when they were six years old.

Subsequently, they starred in their own reality show, ‘Abby & Brittany,’ on TLC in 2012. Graduating from Bethel University in 2012 with degrees in education, they pursued teaching careers as fourth and fifth-grade instructors in Minnesota, sharing both a classroom and a salary.

Despite their physical connection, Abby and Brittany showcased distinct personalities and preferences. Abby, outgoing and outspoken, favored pink and purple, while Brittany, more reserved, leaned towards blue and green.

Physical differences included Abby’s greater height and longer leg, requiring Brittany to stand on her toes for balance. Their individual pursuits, hobbies, and dreams reflected their unique identities. Abby aspired to marriage and parenthood, whereas Brittany approached the idea with more caution.

The Death of Abby Hensel

On the evening of November 10, 2023, Abby and Brittany concluded their day as usual, having experienced a typical day at school and eagerly anticipating the upcoming weekend. Sharing a king-sized bed in their thoughtfully decorated apartment, they exchanged good-night wishes before drifting off to sleep.

Around 3 a.m., Brittany awoke with a sense of unease. Attempting to rouse Abby, she was met with silence. Checking Abby’s pulse, Brittany realized its alarming weakness. Urgently reaching for her phone, she dialed 911, explaining to the operator that her conjoined twin sister was undergoing a heart attack and urgently required assistance.

Responding promptly, paramedics arrived and swiftly transported the twins to the hospital. Despite their efforts to resuscitate Abby, the tragic reality set in – it was too late. At 3:45 a.m., Abby was officially declared deceased. Brittany found herself engulfed in shock and sorrow, having lost not only her sister but also her dearest friend and lifelong companion.

The Future of Brittany Hensel

“Brittany Hensel now faces a challenging and uncertain future, grappling with the profound loss of Abby, who has been an integral part of her existence since birth. In addition to navigating the emotional aspects, Brittany must contend with the medical and legal complexities inherent in being the surviving conjoined twin.

The prospect of potential surgical separation from Abby’s body looms, accompanied by substantial risks and potential complications. Furthermore, Brittany may encounter challenges in asserting her rights and independence, with skepticism from those questioning her decision-making autonomy.

Fortified by the support of her family, friends, and colleagues, who have extended their condolences and empathy, a GoFundMe page has been established to assist Brittany with funeral and medical expenses. Admirers commend her for her resilience and fortitude, urging her to embrace life to the fullest.

While Brittany has not publicly addressed Abby’s passing, a statement issued through her legal representation conveys her devastation at losing her sister, her soulmate, and partner in every endeavor.

Expressing gratitude for the 33 years they shared and the global outpouring of love and support, Brittany articulates her commitment to honoring Abby’s memory by pursuing her passions and goals.

Emphatically asserting her determination not to relinquish life but to embrace it with a renewed perspective, Brittany underscores that she remains Brittany Hensel — alive and resilient.